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March 08, 2012


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Catherine Constance

This is magical...love the painting and poem :)


Love the story, yep, sometimes we get lost in our own dark. But what is awaiting us is beautiful and awesome. Blessings, Janet PPF


~a poet and a painter you are...once more just beautiful...may she find here way back in the days ahead...a purple hillside...sigh...much love light and blessings~


love your style !

Happy weekend ! can you believe it is time to spring forward already ?


wonderful painting - great story!


I love those vibrant colors, your words are nice also. Saludos

Carol (artmusedog)

Absolutely magically wonderful ~ the story and the painting~ Wow! ~thanks, namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) ~ Happy Weekend ^_^


Wonderfully vibrant and full of energy and mystery. Love the story! Happy PPF! :-)


Julie, your painting is beautiful. I love the colors but the textures and of your details really held my attention. The queen has so much to offer both to the world and her land. I know both will be so grateful for her gifts.

Mary Nasser

Wonderful, cool violet palette!

Happy PPF!!

Tracey Fletcher King

The bottom left corner is wonderful, but it is all pretty awesome... love this ...xx

Scarlett Clay

This is so awesome..I was just thinking about your paintings today and how perfect they would be for a hospital (especially this one!!) they are calming, relaxing...the colors always make me happy :) Love that castle, it's wonderful and the poem, too.

Hybrid J

Such wonderful artwork. Great Work!


Wow Julie!! This is awesome. Love all the purples and the great castle.


Poetry and art, what a beautiful duet.Loving this very much and always a treat to visit your magical world.
Annabelle; )


beautiful! happy PPF!


Magical and mysterious, so beautiful...<3


Julie what a gorgeous painting and poem. I just love how the vibrant colors flow effortlessly , wow!!!

Kristin Dudish

What an enchanted painting (I love the sky)!



This is beautiful.....so magical and the colors a true delight :)


This is my favorite painting of yours! I'd love to see paintings of this whole king (excuse me) Queendom!


Your painting is beautiful. Your land really does look like it's patiently waiting for the queen to return. What a magical story. I hope the queen finds her way back!

Happy (late) PPF! It's been a great year of painting adventures and I look forward to seeing what year 2 brings for us both!


Dark and enchanting at the same time...wonderful words too!

Daniele Valois

oh, I just love the color contrasts in this piece. So enchanting! LOVE!


What magical colors!

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