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November 30, 2010


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I really like this piece and the creativity you brought forth this month - great work

Melissa Liban

Lovely post and pretty painying. Happy last day of AEDM!


Fabulous words and lessons Julie!!! (And beautiful watercolour - great colours!)

Tammy Vitale

WOW - I came to congratulate you for making it all the way through and just had to sit back and let this sink in. I'm going to share it on my FB - this is poetry of the highest order!
"trees are sometimes lonely" absolutely takes my breath away (I have a thing for trees. This opened up a new way of seeing them. Thank you so much!)


mm, i love reading the things you were reminded of. how juicy!! your art is so luscious!


What a wonderful blog entry and a real cool abstract watercolour.

Mo Davies

Brilliant and inspirational paintings and words. luvverly. Pity we can't have AEDM every month, eh?


These really are such wonderful things to be reminded of, and in reminding yourself you have reminded us. I began my blog in September looking for beauty and I have found so much on yours! Thank you Julie. I will certainly be looking out for more from you.


Thank you all so much. I am deeply touched. This came straight from my heart and soul and I'm so grateful that my words and images spoke to you. Lets continue with this beautiful journey.


Beautiful words....you are the teacher...:)


Lovely painting! And what a great post. It's been fun visiting your blog during AEDM!


Ah, Thank YOU Julie. It's great to sit back at the end of a project and see how you've grown, what you've learned and re-learned. I'm pleased you've decided to keep going with the 'little and every day' approach to art, and especially that you've derived such personal benefit and enjoyment from AEDM this year.

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